Sun. Jan 19th, 2025

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A blog about all things football

Good, Bad and Ugly kits from the past – Hull City

Good – home shirt 1965 – 69
Simplicity is often the best when it comes to football kits. As you will see below, more outlandish and wild designs make a shirt look awful. With the benefit of hindsight, you wonder what your team were thinking by inflicting that shirt on you as a fan!
However, this shirt is just wonderful. The shirt is plain amber and has a double black hoop around the collar and cuffs. Simple, effective and wonderful.

Bad – home shirt 1992/93
As Hull’s nickname is The Tigers, some bright spark decided that their kit would be made up of tiger print for the 1992/93 season!
Perhaps they drew inspiration from Tony the Tiger from a Frosties advert or maybe they lost a bet. Either way, it is a shocking design but lives on as one of the most iconic shirts of all-time!

Ugly – home shirt 1993/94
Imagine you are a Hull City fan. Now imagine it is the summer of 1993. Your club has been laughed at throughout the 1992/93 season for having a shirt with tiger print on and you’ve had non-stop ridicule from all of your non Hull-supporting chums.
Despair not! A new shirt is being brought out to replace the tiger print. Oh wait, it’s the shirt above, and the only change is the sponsor and colour! Another year of tiger prints beckons!

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